A TED Presenter's Guide to Public Speaking

Have you ever watched a presenter and been in awe of how they captured the audience’s attention? Or interacted with a coworker that spoke with such grace and charisma you couldn’t help but agree with whatever they said?
Let's face it, a natural inclination towards public speaking is a gift and one we are not all born with. However, anyone can appreciate an engaging presenter, especially one who leaves a lasting impression.
In the TED Talk “How to Speak so that People Want to Listen,” Julian Treasure tackles the question of the ‘lasting impression’ and lays out seven common issues that prevent audience engagement. Treasure explains that the primary reason speakers have trouble connecting with an audiences actually begins outside the presentation room with their everyday speech and interactions. With this Talk, Treasure gives you the tools to maintain your personal brand and integrity by outlining which communication pitfalls to avoid at work, including;
1. Gossip
2. Judging
3. Negativity
4. Complaining
5. Excuses
6. Lying
7. Dogmatism
Take a look and see how you can overhaul your current communication as well as take steps to ensure your credibility. No matter if you are a contractor or a CEO, you can certainly benefit from taking a few minutes and investing in yourself. This definitive guide to public speaking as a contractor could be the difference between a contracting interviewing and an offer.