An Introvert's Guide to Interviewing
Introverts can get a bad rep, but no longer. Introverts are finally getting their due, and there is no stopping their success...including in the dreaded job interview.
For so long, extroverts were at the center of the corporate world and claiming the title of introvert at times held a negative connotation. But with the recent recognition of prominent leaders like Mark Zuckerberg, Hillary Clinton, Warren Buffet, and Marissa Mayer, there has been a resurgence of introvert empowerment. However, while being an introvert has some great advantages -- you just have to know how to use them, especially when it comes to interviewing.
As an introvert it is important to understand and acknowledge your strengths before an interview. Some of the core qualities of being an introvert can help individuals succeed in this setting - whether that be increased focus or an observance and attention to detail - so, if you possess these characteristics why not use them to your advantage while interviewing?
To learn more about how you can utilize your unique skills as an introvert in your next job interview, check out this CashNetUSA’s infographic.