10 Frightening Job Seekers Mistakes to Avoid
Halloween is just around the corner, and you might be surprised to hear that TAJ employees aren’t thinking about spooky costumes or what candy to hand out, but rather the fearful contractor mistakes which can lead to missed opportunities.
With hiring season in full swing, TAJ is excited to engage, connect, and place contracting candidates in positions across the US. However, some applicants view looking for a new role as a horror story in and of itself. Don’t worry, there’s no reason to lose your head! While the job search can be daunting, missed opportunities often stem from common candidate mistakes and most are entirely avoidable. This chilling Careerleaf infographic helps take some of the fear out of finding your next position by showing you which ten terrifying job seeker mistakes to avoid. Read on and improve your chances of making it out of your staffing job search alive.