12 Work Behaviors Contractors Should Avoid and Tips for Beating Them

We spend a lot of time at work. There’s no use in denying it.
We stay late, come in early, work over the weekend, and consequently spend innumerable hours with our coworkers - especially as contract workers. In fact, a 2014 Globoforce study found that 78% of surveyed individuals working 30 to 50 hours per week spent more time with work colleagues than loved ones. Thus, it may come as no surprise that the team members we spend a majority of our week with can do things which rub you the wrong way.
For your sake and sanity, we hope this doesn’t happen often, but we also understand that undesirable work behaviors can be more than a distraction, going as far as to negatively impact your mood and productivity.However, what’s more concerning is that YOUR actions could be to blame.
As a long-time member of the staffing community, TAJ understands that contractors are stuck in a rather precarious position. As temporary members of workplace teams, contractor employment can unfortunately hinge on more than the quality of their work.
Avoid the pink slip and don’t let negative habits cause friction while on site.
Below is a TAJ SlideShare devoted to helping you navigate the tricky terms of getting along with your contracting team equiped with 12 grating (and avoidable) contractor work behaviors, as well as tips to ensure smooth contractor assimilation into team culture!